Jenna Beck Jenna Beck

Personal reflections on Australia’s contribution to the journey to support the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Published in ‘90 Seconds to Midnight’, the Evatt Foundation Journal, April 2023

I should declare at the outset that I have had no engagement with party politics since 1996 so I am not writing to promote a party line. I have been asked to write this contribution because of my long involvement in the global campaign to rid the world of nuclear weapons which continues to this day as an Ambassador for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).

No one could deny that the Australian Labor Party has a long track record of opposition to nuclear weapons which, while not without blemish, extends back decades to the immediate aftermath of the Second World War . On 25th June 1946, then Minister for External Affairs Dr Evatt — who played such an important role in the creation of the United Nations — sent a diplomatic cable back to the Department of External Affairs, as it then was, advising that among other things he would be proposing that “when the controls and safeguards have been effectively organised, the manufacturer of Atomic weapons and the stock pile of material for military purposes cease and that existing stocks of bombs be dismantled.”

History shows that the United Nations has sought to eliminate such weapons ever since its establishment and the first resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1946 called for “the elimination from national armaments of atomic weapons and of all other major weapons adaptable to mass destruction.”

After hundreds of international conferences and decades of mobilisation of citizen protest organisations around the world, the global efforts of people of faith and so many others, history will conclude that almost 80 years later, substantive progress on the objective of nuclear weapons elimination has not been made.

Yes it is true that a number of multilateral treaties have since been established with the aim of preventing nuclear proliferation and testing, and promoting disarmament. These include the important Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests In The Atmosphere, In Outer Space And Under Water (also known as the Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT)), and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), which was signed in 1996 but has yet to enter into force, and regional nuclear weapon free zones, including the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone to which Australia is a party. Importantly, the Hawke Government also legislated to incorporate the commitments of the Treaty into Australian law through the Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty Act which among other Treaty commitments rules out Australia acquiring nuclear weapons and prohibits the stationing of nuclear weapons in Australia. As a humble backbench member of parliament I was deeply involved in winning support for this Act within the Government and, I vividly remember the overwhelmingly large and very persuasive government committee meeting in the old parliament house which convinced the relevant Government Ministers to support the legislation.

However while the multilateral treaties have shown promising signs of what might be, at the end of the day, they have failed to progress the nuclear disarmament envisaged by the NPT and instead we face a bleak and scary outlook. 

Even in the early months of 2023, President Putin has made threatening noises implicitly suggesting the use of nuclear weapons on Ukraine. The United States, under a Democrat administration, continues to build an ever more powerful nuclear capacity and China has accelerated the growth of its nuclear weapons capacity.

Elsewhere in the world there remains: serious threats of further horizontal nuclear proliferation; the ever present threat of the accidental use of nuclear weapons; continuing terrorist threats concerning illicit nuclear material and military threats to reactors. On top of this is the looming impact of climate change, bringing together the two existential threats to world peace and security in the form of catastrophic climate change consequences if a nuclear war does break out. 

The truth of the matter is that we have witnessed decade upon decade of superpower rivalry with the nuclear weapons nations committing themselves to ever expanding nuclear strength and capacity. In doing so they have turned their backs on the obligations in the NPT to bring nuclear disarmament to the negotiating table. Is it any surprise then that there has been a horizontal spread of nuclear weapons to what is now a total of 9 nuclear-armed nation states: namely the United States , Russia, China, India, Pakistan, France, United Kingdom, North Korea and Israel?  

South Africa gave up its nuclear weapons arsenal at the initiation of De Clerk when he was the outgoing President of South Africa, but also warmly endorsed by Nelson Mandela when he came to power, showing that it can be done. 

For over 70 years the debate on the abolition of nuclear weapons has not progressed to effective action because the non-nuclear weapon states and the people of the world have been frozen out of the debate and their voices stifled by super power politics. At every available opportunity the nuclear weapon states have blocked or vetoed progress. The world’s hopes have been dashed by them so very often. Even President Barack Obama, despite his landmark speech in support of a world free of nuclear weapons in Prague for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, before the end of his presidency had initiated the largest reinvestment in the modernisation of United States nuclear forces since President Reagan. We have even dodged an accidental nuclear war by what many commentators describe as “dumb luck”. 

Because of this global failure, the patience of the global majority of nations for the dismal lack of progress on disarmament ran out. In the new millennium they intensified their work to find a pathway for the world to break out of this nuclear straightjacket.

The breakthrough which led to the TPNW came over the last decade as a result of the triumph of international humanitarian law values and the renewed endorsement by the global community of these values. In my view they were overwhelmingly centred around the protection of civilian populations and other core principles embodied in the international humanitarian l aws of warfare.

The fact is that the nuclear weapons of the world are overwhelmingly targeted on the cities of the world and no amount of equivocation or diplomatic doublespeak will ever convince us otherwise. 

That is what the doctrine of nuclear deterrence is founded on, namely the capacity and willingness of a nation state to inflict a reign of terror on enemy countries. To put it in simple terms, it is just like the argument that allowing more higher powered guns in a country capable of mass slaughter somehow makes that country safer. The world knows that without question that does not work and nor does nuclear deterrence make the world a safer place. 

Meanwhile, although no real progress had been made on nuclear weapons disarmament since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the international community has been able to outlaw, delegitimise and then disarm most of the worlds supplies of chemical and biological weapons, land mines and cluster munitions and their use is now overwhelmingly disavowed not only as a breach of international law but recognised as an atrocity which demands universal condemnation.

It is indisputable that in each of these cases the first step towards disarming the world of these other weapons was the delegitimisation of them by an international ban treaty thus rendering them an illegal and illegitimate weapon of war. This was driven overwhelmingly by international humanitarian law principles. 

The speed with which international opinion shifted on these issues was demonstrated by the fact that in April 1996, one of the first policy announcements of the new Howard Government was a joint statement by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence pledging Australia’s support for a global ban on production, stockpiling, use and transfer of antipersonnel landmines. This stand was taken despite the strong opposition of the United States .

And yet, despite the magnificent global achievements in eliminating indiscriminate weapons of war like landmines, cluster munitions, chemical biological weapons, the nuclear weapon states continued to promote the legitimacy of nuclear weapons in the face of world opinion which recognises these weapons as a threat to our fragile planet and to humanity itself. In simple terms it makes no sense to ban landmines and yet tolerate nuclear weapons which bring the greatest threat of mass civilian carnage ever known to humankind .

Efforts were also made in the International Court of Justice to secure a decision that the use of nuclear weapons should be considered illegal at all times and in all circumstances. In 1996 the International Court, by a small majority, and in a bizarre twist considered that the use of nuclear weapons may be permissible if the very existence of a nation state was threatened. On this view of the world, ironically Japan itself would arguably have been authorised to use nuclear weapons at the end of the Second World War which is of course an absurd moral and legal proposition. The decision did however leave a gap in international law which could only be filled by a treaty which would definitively outlaw nuclear weapons for all time and in all circumstances.

With the International Court of Justice closing the door on the judicial outlawing of nuclear weapons, efforts to find other pathways to engage the international community in efforts to prohibit nuclear weapons continued. In 2005 a small group of people in Melbourne gathered to take the first steps to form what was to become known as ICAN . Right from the beginning, their focus was resolutely in favour of a global convention to outlaw nuclear weapons and this is what they ultimately worked with others to achieve from those humble beginnings.

Other developments were happening in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement when the then President of the International Committee of the Red Cross — the guardian of the Geneva Conventions — delivered a major speech on nuclear weapons to the Geneva d iplomatic c ommunity in April 2010, which I truly believe was transformative.

Dr Kellenberger said: “ The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) firmly believes that the debate about nuclear weapons must be conducted not only on the basis of military doctrines and power politics. The existence of nuclear weapons poses some of the most profound questions about the point at which the rights of States must yield to the interests of humanity... ”

He concluded with a call to action by saying: “In the view of the ICRC, preventing the use of nuclear weapons requires fulfilment of existing obligations to pursue negotiations aimed at prohibiting and completely eliminating such weapons through a legally binding international treaty.”

Soon afterwards Red Cross in Australia became very active in the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) working to support the international humanitarian law approach of the ICRC. My Red Cross colleague, Dr Helen Durham — Head of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) at the Australian Red Cross — was deeply involved in this work and later went on to head up IHL at the ICRC in Geneva. Our collective work not only saw the IFRC adopt a unanimous opposition from the 190+ countries where there is a Red Cross or Red Crescent Society but also secured a commitment to commence actively advocating for a nuclear ban treaty with their national governments. The work which led to that Treaty was clearly not just going to be a government initiative but would also be driven by the strong support from civil society organisations around the world. 

Three international conferences were convened by Norway, Mexico and Austria in the lead up to the UN General Assembly processes which launched the Treaty negotiation. They were the first international conferences in the history of the world which focussed on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons. This was the breakthrough the world needed. I was privileged to speak on behalf of the IFRC at each of these conferences and to engage with ICAN which played a critical and prominent role at each of these events.

The TPNW was ultimately adopted by the General Assembly on 7th July 2017, opened for signature on 20th September 2017 and entered into force on 22nd January 2021. Like most treaties the process of gaining signatures and ratifications takes time but progress is relentlessly proceeding. At the time of writing the treaty has 92 signatories, 68 of which have ratified. 

It was Anthony Albanese who was the leading champion at the ALP National Conference in 2018, securing unanimous support for Australia to become a party to the Treaty, after taking account of various factors set out in the current party policy document. As I have made clear I have not been a member of the ALP for over 26 years but because of my commitment to this issue I deeply admire the Prime Minister’s leadership in support of Australia signing the TPNW . I also know that his moral convictions and principles run deeply on this issue and have done so for a very long time. Moreover, repeated public opinion polls have shown that almost 80% of the public also supports Australia signing the Nuclear Ban Treaty.

Turning to my personal reflections on the reasons why I believe the nuclear weapons ban is a matter of deep conviction to the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is because of his friendship, love, admiration and deep connection with the late veteran Labor MP Tom Uren AC.

Tom was a prisoner of war of the Japanese on the hell on earth of the Burma- Thai railway where, like other POWs, he was treated abysmally. However, he refused to carry hate for the Japanese and was driven by his profound love of people and commitment to humanity. He was a prisoner of war near Nagasaki when the second nuclear weapon was dropped on that city. He never forgot it and I know it enhanced and drove his commitment to this issue all the long remaining days of his life.

Although mistreated by the Japanese, Tom, as many of his friends know, when he returned from the war, championed the phrase that there was “no progress in hate” and how right he was. For the next 70 years of his life, he campaigned for the outlawing of nuclear weapons and for nuclear disarmament.

Tom died on Australia Day 2015 and was intensely aware of, and strongly supported, the work of ICAN and the Red Cross in Australia to secure support from all sides of politics for a convention outlawing nuclear weapons.

This is not a partisan endorsement of a party political line but an expression of belief that Anthony Albanese is a good human, someone who is prepared to take a stand for something that he also believes is in our national interest. In joining the Treaty I can envisage the continuing legacy of Tom Uren, who inspired so many of us irrespective of political allegiance — including me.

The first step for the Albanese Labor Government to implement the party policy is to sign the TPNW . Of course there must be close and detailed discussions with the United States but whatever their political views on the issue, surely no one can doubt the commitment of the Albanese Government to the United States alliance.

That commitment is shared by the Government of New Zealand which already signed and then ratified the treaty almost five years ago. In May 2022 President Joe Biden and then Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern issued a joint statement at the White House headed “A 21 st -Century Partnership for the Pacific, the Indo-Pacific, and the World”, in which they said in part: “Today, we acknowledge that security and defense will become an ever-more-important focus of our strategic partnership. We look to increase the interoperability of our forces, including through personnel exchanges, co-deployments, and defense trade”. This regional example underlines the point that Australia can join the Treaty and retain a committed military alliance with the US.

Support for Australia signing and ratifying the Treaty is growing in the National Parliament from its already strong base of support in the community. In September 2022, 9 independent members of the House of Representatives and one independent Senator issued a joint statement in which they said: “We welcome Labor’s National Policy Platform commitment to sign and ratify TPNW when in government and look forward to working with the Albanese government in leading Australia to achieve this historic move towards global nuclear disarmament.”

Australia joining New Zealand and most of our regional Asia Pacific neighbours in signing the Treaty will send a message around the world that at this time in human history the international community must take a stand in support of the delegitimisation and elimination of nuclear weapons. 

Australia can then play a leading role demonstrating integrity alongside like-minded nations to help build global support and diplomatic initiatives to bring the nuclear weapons states to the negotiating table to achieve a verifiable process for step-by-step global nuclear disarmament, just like Dr Evatt advocated all those years ago.

Now that would be a legacy for us all and for generations to come.

Robert Tickner was Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Affairs in the Hawke-Keating Governments, former CEO of the Australian Red Cross, and serves in a voluntary position as an Ambassador for ICAN.

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Jenna Beck Jenna Beck

Speech at the National Judicial College and Australian National University Conference

National Judicial College and Australian National University Conference Speech by Robert Tickner AO, Chair of the Justice Reform Initiative. Canberra Saturday 25th February 2023 - Therapeutic Jurisprudence

Thank you so very much for the opportunity to introduce the work of the Justice Reform Initiative to you today.

At the outset, may I say I deeply respect the integrity of the judicial oath to act "without fear or favour, affection or ill-will" which is embedded in our Australian Legal system ---as well it should be. Everything I say today starts with that foundation.

The Justice Reform Initiative was established in September 2020 with a mission to reduce Australia's harmful and costly reliance on incarceration. We seek to reduce incarceration in Australia by 50% by 2030.

We come to this task with open hands and with a deep respect for the many highly principled people and organisations who are also working for change and especially Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who bear the burden of massively disproportionate rates of incarceration. We seek to work collaboratively with these many diverse organisations and individuals and to help build the cohesion of a national campaign for reform. If you have not seen our website please take a look and you will be inspired by the growing strength and diversity of our supporter base.

We seek to build a community based movement for change to shift the public conversation and public policy away from building more prisons as the primary response to crime and move instead to proven alternative evidence-based approaches that break the cycle of incarceration and that certainly includes therapeutic approaches to criminal justice.

Our growing list of patrons includes 120 eminent Australians, including two former Governors- General Sir William Deane and Dame Quentin Bryce, former Ministers, and Members of Parliament from all sides of politics, academics, respected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders,  former senior judges, including High Court justices, and many other community leaders who have added their voices to the movement to end the cycle of incarceration in Australia. We also have more than 120 supporter organisations which have joined the movement to reduce incarceration. This includes; The Law Council of Australia; the Australian Medical Association; Federation of Ethnic Community Councils; the Australian Council of Churches; the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, and multiple First Nations led organisations and service delivery organisations who have expertise working with people who have been impacted by the justice system. 

Let me make some critical points about the Justice Reform Initiative at the outset:

First, we are not an organisation which advocates the abolition of prisons and common sense tells us that, at this stage of human evolution, there are people who need to be incarcerated to protect the community, or for some other justifiable public policy reason.

Secondly, I want to highlight that the Justice Reform Initiative does not seek to apportion historical blame for the current state of affairs to either side of politics. The fact is that the entrenched failure of the system has been compounding and developing over many decades.

But what we do say, is that it cannot continue, and now is the time to start turning things around.

Thirdly, I want to make clear that rather than being soft on crime, the opposite is the case, and we advocate policies which hold people accountable for their actions and conduct, but which are smart on crime because they seek to significantly reduce the level of future offending through evidence-based policy and thus make our communities safer.

Fourthly, we are also very much in favour of a better outcome for victims of crime and their families. Too often, the criminal justice system has left victims of crime and their families marginalised and unsatisfied by the outcome of the court processes. The Justice Reform Initiative works with people like Ken Marslew of Enough is Enough, one of our NSW Patrons who has dedicated his life to working to reform society’s attitude to violence, engaging with youth at risk and in promoting the adoption of restorative justice principles in the criminal justice system.

Fifthly, I need to emphasise that we strongly support world’s best practice in policing and in prison administration although time will not permit an examination of those best practices today. Accountability needs to go right to the top and this particularly applies to the systemic changes recommended by coronial enquiries. Leadership is required at the top of these services and from relevant Ministers to drive those best practice changes and to support implementation of the recommendations of key reports such as the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and the Australian Law Reform Commission Pathways to Justice Report. We are also encouraged by the commitment of some Police Associations to early intervention and diversion programs in juvenile justice. I also want to emphasise that, of course we support bail reforms and reforms to mandatory sentencing laws and these too are vital issues but they are not the subject of my presentation today.

Sixthly and finally, I want to reinforce the fact that we are very much a cross-party organisation in that we have people from across the political spectrum supporting our objectives and as leading patrons, including former Federal and State Ministers and Premiers. We are also strictly non-party political in our work and believe that the community wants to see our parliamentarians working to find common ground through supporting evidence-based reforms in the criminal justice system.

So what does our national prisons report card look like and what do we see when we look behind the walls of youth detention centres and prisons across the country?

Let me begin by giving you the latest snapshot of the incarceration of children and young people.

The most recent Productivity Commission data from the Report on Government Services (ROGS) released early in 2023 shows that there are 1,385 permanently funded beds in Australian youth detention centres. The average daily number of young people in these centres around Australia is 822. Children’s court data shows us that in 2020/2021,  982 children were actually sentenced to a period of custody in a Correctional Institution – (with an additional 293 sentenced to custody in the community, and a further 517 receiving a fully suspended sentence).

However, the total number of children who cycle in and out of prison over the course of the year is significantly higher. The ROGS data shows us that in 2021/2022 there were 4350 children who were imprisoned over the course of the year. More than 50% (2310) of these children were Aboriginal.

When we look at release, reception and length of time in custody, we begin to get a much clearer sense of what it is that is actually happening for these 4350 children. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) data shows us that each year there are 8240 receptions into custody and 8227 releases. Children have on average 2 releases from custody over the course of a year. 

AIHW data from 2022 shows us that on an average day in children’s prisons 589 children (72%) were unsentenced and 230 (28%) were sentenced. However, again, the flow through data shows us a much more comprehensive picture of the over-use of imprisonment for unsentenced children. 97% of children received into custody in 2020/2021 were unsentenced. And 90% of children released from custody were also released from unsentenced detention. For those children who were released from unsentenced detention 63% ended up being released on bail (into the community). 36% of unsentenced children completed their remand period and received some form of sentence. But of this cohort, only 20% went on to be sentenced to detention. 

AIHW (in their justice and safety research) also gives us a breakdown of length of time children are spending in custody. The average length of time children who are unsentenced are spending in custody in Australia is 49 days. The average length of time in custody for children who are sentenced is 105 days. The bottom line is that the vast majority of children who are incarcerated in youth detention in Australia have not had their day in court, and the majority of these children will not go on to be given a custodial sentence.

In relation to level of disadvantage of the children and young people in youth detention centres, the Banksia Hill study in WA associated with one of our patrons Professor Fiona Stanley showed that 89% of the children in the centre suffered from some neuro developmental disability and almost 36% were impacted by FASD. While comprehensive data is not available, which is itself an issue, the indications are that that in other youth detention centres across Australia there is a wide range but comparable degree of disability and disadvantage of the kids in youth detention.

The evidence shows that 80% of children who are released from sentenced detention in Australia return within 12 months.

Although it is more complex to collect recidivism data for children who were not sentenced, it is clear from the sheer churn of numbers of children through the system that there are incredibly high rates of return to custody for children who have spent time in unsentenced detention as well. 

The Justice Reform Initiative proposes building on the substantial evidence base in this country and elsewhere about ‘what works’ to reduce incarceration, and re-orienting the current approach to one that prioritises community led diversionary and support options. If this were to happen then police, magistrates, and judges around Australia including in rural and remote areas would able to refer children who came into contact with the justice system easily into community led alternatives; pre-charge diversion programs; bail support and accommodation; Aboriginal organisations place based alternatives; intensive family support; programs and services and supports that we know can disrupt cycles of incarceration. We will publish “What Works” reports in every jurisdiction in the coming months.

The most telling vindication of the truth of our assertion about the appalling lack of services and supports for the most marginalised and at risk kids in the country came from the Governments of Australia themselves who issued a public statement confirming that it was the lack of services and alternative options that was the principal reason given by the national meeting of Attorneys General for failure to progress raising the age of criminal responsibility above the age of 10 in most jurisdictions. 

We have responded to this stark reality of this near invisible level of alternatives with our call for the creation in each State and Territory of a “Breaking the Cycle and Safer Communities Fund” to be also supported by the Australian Government and I will have more to say about this proposal later.

Turning now to the financial cost of running this failed incarceration system, according to the latest figures from the Productivity Commission (2023) the cost of incarcerating one child in custody for one day is $2,720. The cost of incarcerating a child in custody for a year is $992,800. Across Australia we spend $816,245,000 each year on locking up children. This does not take into account the cost of new capital works, and it doesn’t even begin to take into account the cost of crime, disconnection from family and communication, the absence of education, disability and mental health support, and the life-long costs in terms of risks of entrenched justice system involvement by the children and young people. 

As for new capital expenditure, while there are currently 18 children’s prisons in Australia, at the time of writing there are plans in Queensland to build two more in addition to the existing prisons. In Darwin, construction of the ‘new’ Don Dale which will have 44 beds continues. In Tasmania, the Liberal Government has to its very great credit publicly committed to shutting down Ashley Detention centre and constructing new therapeutic centres. The failure of children’s prisons to achieve any of their intended crime-control and rehabilitative goals has been made abundantly clear. For the 4,350 children or more, who are cycling in and out of prison each year, there is a need for a genuine circuit breaker.

Turning to adult prisons what do we see when we look behind these prison walls?

What does a national snapshot look like?

I want to remind you what the incontrovertible statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, The Productivity Commission, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare tell us about our national prison population.  

  • There has been a 44% increase in the numbers of people in Australia’s prisons in the last decade despite the fact that crime rates have been dropping in that time. The evidence shows that there is no correlation between incarceration rates and crime.

  • Even though they constitute 3% of the population 31% of the people in prison are Aboriginal. It is of note that some jurisdictions have even higher representation (NT- 86.3%, WA, 40.2% and QLD, 35.9%)

  • 60% of people in prisons have been there before (and this number is considerably higher in some jurisdictions)

  • The former NSW Commissioner for Corrective Services confirmed that 70% of the people in NSW prisons are functionally illiterate and the evidence is that this is in line with most other jurisdictions.

  • 60% have experienced mental illness

  • At least 30% were homeless before they were incarcerated and 50% will leave prison into homelessness.

  • As many as 20% of adults in prison have a cognitive impairment including intellectual disability, foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and acquired brain injury.

  • 60% are incarcerated for crimes related directly to drug or alcohol use or misuse.

  • There are high rates of unemployment prior to incarceration, and 78% of people face unemployment on release.

  • If you were to look through the gates of our Women’s Prisons in this country you would first notice that women’s imprisonment has been one of the fastest growing areas of incarceration and within that growth the numbers of Aboriginal women in prison have been increasing the fastest of them all. Aboriginal women are now 39% of the female prison numbers despite being only 3% in the community.

  • You would also see a lot of mothers in there and it is of particular concern that 60% of women in prison have children who are under the age of 18. You can see that imprisonment is not only a punishment to the women but to their children and families as well. A report from the Australian Institute of Criminology released this month showed that in NSW 16% of adults in prison and 52.6 of young people in youth justice reported that a parent had been imprisoned. These staggering figures demonstrate the need around Australia for interventions to support parents in prison and at-risk children whose parents are incarcerated. For Aboriginal participants the figures were even higher with 32% of adults and 66.4% of young people reporting a previously incarcerated parent. Women were also twice as likely as men to report that their mother had been in prison.

  • At least 70% of women in prison have survived some form of sexual or family violence.

  • A very large percentage of people you will see though the prison gates of both male and female prisons are there on short term sentences of 6 months or less with a third of the people in prison being on remand.

Sadly we have followed the American model even after the Americans have begun to discard it and to this day we continue to relentlessly build more and more prisons in this country. The evidence is in on this and if that idea worked, the Northern Territory would have the lowest crime rate in the country and likely one of the lowest in the world because the NT imprisons a higher proportion of their adult population than Texas and have by far the highest rate of youth detention in the nation by a country mile. But the Northern Territory tops the list of Australian jurisdictions for persons charged by police.

Sadly, our society is paying a huge price socially and economically for our record incarceration levels. The Australian Productivity Commission has reported that between the years 2003 and 2018 there were only two countries in the whole of the OECD which had a higher proportional growth in the rate of incarceration than Australia and they were Colombia and Turkiye. 

The inevitable result of the current policies of Governments is to create an intergenerational underclass of people who go around and around the criminal justice system with all the attendant consequences of that for the individuals concerned, their families, communities, and society as a whole.

In a very real way jailing is failing.

Although there is at any one point in time a little more than 41,000 people in custody, the flow through data shows that there are 62,024 receptions over the course of a year, and 62,797 discharges from custody each year. This is critical information when we are thinking about the kinds of services that might be required to genuinely disrupt the cycle of incarceration.

There are currently 116 adult prisons in Australia. There are plans in almost all jurisdictions to build new prisons, or to expand existing infrastructure. This is happening at a time when crime rates in most of the major categories are at an all-time low. There is no causal relationship between imprisonment rates and crime. That is, crime reduction is not able to be explained by higher rates of incarceration but rather by a series of interrelated shifts in economic, cultural and social and justice policy. A recent in-depth analysis of crime in Australia, undertaken by Don Weatherburn and Sara Rahman (in their book ‘The Vanishing Criminal’), shows that imprisonment has no significant impact on crime rates. It raises interesting questions, does it not, when we consider that one of the purposes of imposing a sentence on someone is to “deter the offender and other persons from committing similar offences.”

Turning to the financial cost of adult incarceration in Australia - The cost of keeping someone in prison each year is around $107,638.00 (or 294.90 per day). In Australia we spend more than $4.2 billion each year on operating costs, and more than $6 billion each year when we include capital costs. Estimates of the cost of providing intensive, specialist community-based services with proven ability to keep people out of prison range from $8,000 to $36,000 per year with the latter higher cost arising where there were substantial disabilities involved and a very small caseload. Residential treatment is more expensive, but still far cheaper and more effective in reducing recidivism than incarceration.

The evidence confirms that imprisonment for adults in Australia is not working. It is not working to deter, rehabilitate or keep the community safer. As I mentioned previously more than half, (60%) of the people in prison in Australia have been in prison before – an increasing trend. In 2020-21, 45.2% of people released from prison in Australia returned to prison within two years. 

In almost every state and territory there is longstanding legislation which states that imprisonment will be the punishment of last resort to be utilised only when other options have been excluded. There can be no doubt that if Governments invested evidence based alternatives to incarceration designed to break the cycle, that judges and magistrates would have a much wider range of judicial options for effective sentencing to reduce future offending, turn lives around and make the community safer.

At the same time in most if not all states and territories there are legislative provisions (largely reflecting the common law) which outline the purposes of sentencing which judges and magistrates have to apply. They are already seen to be challenging provisions to apply and at times seemingly contradictory as the High Court recognised in the Veen case.  Veen v The Queen (No 2) (1988) 164 CLR 465 where Mason CJ, Brennan, Dawson and Toohey JJ said at 476:

“… sentencing is not a purely logical exercise, and the troublesome nature of the sentencing discretion arises in large measure from unavoidable difficulty in giving weight to each of the purposes of punishment. The purposes of criminal punishment are various: protection of society, deterrence of the offender and of others who might be tempted to offend, retribution and reform. The purposes overlap and none of them can be considered in isolation from the others when determining what is an appropriate sentence in a particular case. They are guideposts to the appropriate sentence but sometimes they point in different directions.”

By way of example Section 3 A of the NSW Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act  sets out the purposes of sentencing and includes reference to:

  • preventing crime by deterring the offender and other persons from committing similar offences

  • protecting the community from the offender and

  • promoting the rehabilitation of the offender

among other provisions.


The assumption of this provision and the case law which supports it is that sentences of imprisonment deter, protect the community and offer opportunities for rehabilitation. Based on the evidence we are assembling, prisons are not successful in doing any of that.

Even the sentencing criterion of “protecting the community” suggests that locking someone up will actually make our communities safer, but surely this is not a point in time question. Sure people get locked up but there are 62,000 discharges from prison each year in Australia and they return to being our neighbours.

Shouldn’t our prison system and the alternatives to incarceration we advocate, place far greater importance on addressing the underlying issues which contributed to the contact with the criminal justice system in the first place, thus readying people to take their place back in the community?

We believe they should and I suspect that given that the theme of this conference is therapeutic jurisprudence, many of you are likely to agree. But currently, it cannot be seriously contended for example, that anything like the majority of people with mental health and substance dependency receive the help and support they need to address these issues while they are imprisoned, nor when they are released, and these people are more than 60% of the prison population. This is not a reflection on the many dedicated people who currently work on delivering these programs but it is rather commentary on the level of resources being allocated. In American prison commentary it is often said that prisons have become the new asylums and by definition devoid of meaningful and effective treatment.

What will they write about our state of human development in 30 years when they read of our astronomical levels of incarceration of marginalised and impoverished people, both adults and children as young as ten, despite the manifest evidence that it does not work to reduce crime or make communities safer let alone address one of the most critical, if not the most critical, challenge of our criminal justice system. How do we break the cycle of incarceration and help people turn their lives around?

So what works in keeping people out of prison including children and young people in youth detention?

As I mentioned, in the immediate months ahead the Justice Reform Initiative will be releasing major reports in each State and Territory to show to Members of Parliament and the community examples of “what works” in each jurisdiction and nationally – and internationally. This material may also be helpful for judicial officers casting around for evidence of what would be most effective, when they have to deal with the person standing before them.

We will also  soon be releasing another paper which looks at alternatives to mainstream court processes and the evidence supporting alternative, diversionary, specialist and First Nations courts, and the evidence supporting restorative and transformative justice processes.  The paper will argue that diversionary and problem focused court options should be expanded throughout Australia, particularly in regional and remote areas. We will also argue that alternatives to mainstream court processes, including restorative justice and far greater options for diversionary approaches should be available to a much larger cohort of people who come into contact with the justice system. Importantly the document will have a public education focus and give examples in Australia and internationally of some of the exciting and inspirational innovative justice developments which are already proving their value by the impressive evidence based outcomes which they are achieving.

We have substantially begun the systematic work which needs to be done, having conversations with members from all political parties and among the ranks of Independents in every State and Territory Parliament to win support for the establishment of Breaking the Cycle and Safer Communities Funds in every jurisdiction and will soon begin our conversations at the Federal level. We also believe that it is important to get cross party support for these initiatives to the greatest extent possible in all jurisdictions as this sends an important message to the community about the need for evidence-based public policy in this area.

We are therefore putting forward budget submissions to all Australian Governments (State, Territory and National) which call on them to support the creation of Breaking the Cycle and Safer Communities Funds which would be utilised to fund community-based alternatives to incarceration for many people caught in the justice system and  cut recidivism by targeting other support at key touch points of the criminal justice system such as the intensive support programs for people leaving prison.

We also support Federal and State Government commitment to Justice Reinvestment however if they are going to make a long term difference, those place-based Justice Reinvestment projects must also be supported by substantial investment to address the systemic drivers of incarceration. In line with the Closing the Gap Strategy we are keen to support conversations at a national level between Aboriginal leadership and the National Government about the resourcing and structural shifts that are required to occur alongside place based approaches in order that the promise of justice reinvestment be realised. 

Hand in hand with such additional necessary allocations to these funds we are also urging the application of existing resources in mainstream government agencies to also contribute to breaking the cycle. Examples of this would be targeted funding in Health including mental health programs and substance/alcohol dependency programs both to people in prison and people leaving prison. We also need to lift our game in the delivery of employment service programs to the tens of thousands of people walking out through the prison gate back into the community each year. Currently, very few of them obtain employment and many struggle simply to find a place to live. Even former President Trump was calling on the employers of America to give people coming out of prison a second chance and we want to hear our Australian politicians getting behind these initiatives as well.

There are many examples of where investment in alternatives to incarceration have already been shown to be extremely successful in breaking the revolving door of repeat offending and these will be comprehensively highlighted in the State and Territory reports that are in the course of preparation.  

But just to give you some examples today, the work of the “Backtrack” organisation in Armidale, is funded almost entirely with philanthropic money and works with marginalised young people to divert them from the criminal justice system.

Over the last ten years, the intensive, holistic and relational case work provided by Backtrack Youth Services has supported more than 1000 children and young people at risk of criminal justice system involvement or entrenched in the justice system. An impressive 87% of the young people who leave Backtrack transition into employment or education. A UNSW report of the impact of the program on the local community in Armidale found a 35% reduction in crime because of the engagement of young people in the program.

Another example of the many evidence-based policies which could be funded from a Breaking the Cycle Fund are the intensive support programs for people leaving prison including those delivered by organisations like the Community Restorative Centre (CRC) which is funded by the NSW Government however, only for 5% of the approx. 20,000 people leaving NSW prisons each year. You can read on the CRC website, the independent UNSW evaluation of the program which demonstrates a 65 % reduction in the rate of repeat offending. It makes much more sense to expand this cost effective intensive support model program in NSW and around the country rather than expending $100,000 dollars plus currently spent for each person in prison for a year. 

With the backing of the NSW Government, NSW Children's Court has also supported a new approach to dealing with youth justice in NSW which has been given the name “A place to go” and it aims to improve supports and deliver a better service response for 10 to 17 year old children and young people in contact with the criminal justice system in the Nepean region of NSW with a focus on young people on remand. It draws on services from across the NSW government and non-government service providers to deliver a coordinated and multiagency service solution which can support a young person to change their life trajectory. A “Place to go” uses a young person’s contact with Police and/or the court as an opportunity to intervene early by linking them with appropriate community supports and services, court liaison staff, cross agency panels and dedicated short-term transitional accommodation. The NSW Children’s Court is very supportive of initiatives like this which provide collaborative and wrap around service supports to a young person and community engaged approach to dealing with the challenges they face.

We would urge all sides of NSW politics to support this hugely effective new approach and for the incoming NSW Government to provide the resources and the backing of the Premier to extend the model across the State and for other states to adopt a similar approach. We can only but imagine how this breakthrough work could be enhanced by the full backing of the incoming NSW Government (Liberal or Labor) to create a Breaking the Cycle Fund to open up so many more options for these young people,

I also draw your attention to Section 16 (1) (d) of the NSW Children’s Court Act which gives a critical role to the NSW Children’s Court President to “to confer regularly with community groups and social agencies on matters involving children and the Court”. I think this provision has assisted the leadership of the court over time to shape a successful model of collaborative wrap around services of family, Government and community and NGO resources which can truly help change young lives and I commend it to you Australia wide.

As I have explained we work with people from all political parties right across the country in a very even handed way and are strictly non-party political in all that we

  1. We encourage cross party co-operation in all parliaments on justice reform. For this reason we were encouraged by the resolution passed unanimously at the 2021 ALP National Conference as follows: 

“Australia has a higher incarceration rate than all the countries of Western Europe and Canada imposing increasing costs on the nation, and which fails to reduce recidivism, provide effective outcomes for victims of crime or to make our communities safer. Learning from the experience of comparable countries Labor will seek cross party cooperation to lead and encourage all jurisdictions to collaborate in supporting evidence based criminal justice policies to address these issues and which rely less on high cost and harmful prisons.” 

In our recent conversations with parliamentarians from all around Australia, we have heard a genuine wish from a landslide majority of people we have spoken to from all parties to try and find some common ground to break the cycle of criminal justice system and disadvantage and we look forward to taking that message to Parliament House in Canberra.

Before I close I want to alert you that Australia has international obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. There are provisions in that Covenant where arguably Australia is clearly in breach of its international legal obligations directly relating to the administration of the criminal justice system in this country which I was reminded of in preparing for this presentation.

Remember this is a Convention of long standing which was ratified by the Government led by Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser over four decades ago.

Article 10 (2) (a) provides that "Accused persons shall, save in exceptional circumstances, be segregated from convicted persons and separate treatment appropriate to their status as unconvicted persons"

You only have to read the reports of some of the appointed prison inspectors to know that this is not happening in all jurisdictions, and this is a big issue given that one third of the prison population is now on remand.

Article 10 (2) (b) provides that "accused juvenile persons shall be separated from adults and brought as speedily as possible for adjudication"

We also know that this is not what happens in all parts of this country and in Queensland alone the Children's Court President has revealed in the court’s recently tabled annual report that an average above 460 children were involved in the 7001 admissions of young people into police watch houses – designed specifically for detaining adults – across the 12-month period. Of those admissions, 166 children spent an average of eight to 14 days in a police watch house, while a further 305 were held for periods of five to seven days.

Article 10 of the convention provides in paragraph 3, that "The penitentiary system shall comprise treatment of prisoners the essential aim of which shall be their reformation and social rehabilitation. Juvenile offenders shall be segregated from adults and be accorded treatment appropriate to their age and legal status.”

Obviously, this is a description of a prison system on some other planet as it in no way represents the essential aim of Australia's prison system as I have established today.

Highlighting these breaches is not some academic exercise because Australia has become a party to the Optional protocol of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which provide a right of individual petition to the Human Rights Committee of the UN.

It is true that Australia has a reservation concerning Article 10 of the Convention that I have referred to but, even if it remains, I do not believe that at some point in the not too distant future it will prevent Australia being admonished before the Human Rights Committee of the UN.

The reservation states “Australia accepts the principle stated in paragraph 1 of Article 10 and the general principles of the other paragraphs of that Article, but makes the reservation that these and other provisions of the Covenant are without prejudice to laws and lawful arrangements, of the type now in force in Australia, for the preservation of custodial discipline in penal establishments.

In relation to paragraph 2(a) the principal of segregation is accepted as an objective to be achieved progressively. In relation to paragraphs 2(b) and 3 (second sentence) the obligation to segregate is accepted only to the extent that such segregation is considered by the responsible authorities to be beneficial to the juveniles or adults concerned.”

However while alerting you to the importance these international obligations, the Justice Reform Initiative believes our Australian justice and prison reform challenge will be won by the power of Australian public opinion led by fair minded Australians of good will from all walks of life.

Those of us working for evidence based change can take heart and inspiration from at least some larger than life figures in history.

Nelson Mandela reminded us that "It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.”

However, it was Winston Churchill, who in 1910 as the Home Secretary of Britain and the Minister responsible for prisons reminded the House of Commons in a most beautiful and insightful speech how he saw the role of prisons.

He said on July 20, 1910

"The mood and temper of the public in regard to the treatment of crime and criminals is one of the most unfailing tests of the civilisation of any country. A calm and dispassionate recognition of the rights of the accused against the state and even of convicted criminals against the state, a constant heart-searching by all charged with the duty of punishment, a desire and eagerness to rehabilitate in the world of industry of all those who have paid their dues in the hard coinage of punishment, tireless efforts towards the discovery of curative and regenerating processes and an unfaltering faith that there is a treasure, if only you can find it in the heart of every person – these are the symbols which in the treatment of crime and criminals mark and measure the stored up strength of a nation, and are the sign and proof of the living virtue in it.”

I find these words inspirational, and I hope you do to.

Churchill then laid out his plans and said:

"I shall certainly be very glad to be able to announce it to the House of Common the first real principle which should guide anyone trying to establish a good system of prisons should be to prevent as many people as possible getting there at all"

I rest my case.

Thank you again for your invitation to be with you today.

Robert Tickner

February 25th, 2023

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Jenna Beck Jenna Beck

Please download and share this FREE Jailing is Failing Song

This song “Jailing is Failing” was recorded by some wonderful Queensland volunteers.

I am pleased to make available a song recorded by volunteers for the Justice Reform Initiative which I chair.

My hope is that more volunteers from around the Australia, including more people with lived experience, will record more songs to help mobilise community opinion in support of justice and prison reform in this country to cut our over-incarceration rates and turn lives around.

Please download and share.

This song “Jailing is Failing” was recorded by some wonderful Queensland volunteers who are acknowledged below:

Play or download your copy:


Original lyric contribution: a Justice Reform Initiative volunteer 

Song composition: lyric arrangement and musical score - Jo Reid-Speirs

Choirmaster /Musical Director: Ann Birmingham

Sound Engineer: David Crane


Banjoleleist and Lead vocalist: Jo Reid-Speirs

Guitarist and vocalist: Jen Lockwood

Ukuleleist and vocalist: Madonna Cuskelly

Cellist: Allyson Reynolds

Choir: Peace 'n' Choir


Jailing is Failing

The prison door slammed shut behind me, I heard him turn the key,

I’ve heard that sound all my life, I’ve tried to find peace, I’ve tried to find light.


I knew it then and I know it now —that jailing is failing.

We need to turn things around, turn lives around,

Turn it around, turn lives around – cause jailing is failing.


As a kid of ten, I stole a bike, my life at home had not much to like,

I was out of school with repeated suspensions, a kid on the street then juvi detention.


I knew it then and I know it now —that jailing is failing.

We need to turn things around, turn lives around,

Turn it around, turn lives around – cause jailing is failing.


At 18 no job or place to live, drink and drugs washed my tears, I’d no more to give,

In the wrong crowd, more trouble with the law, my health in decline then the prison door.


I knew it then and I know it now —that jailing is failing.

We need to turn things around, turn lives around,

Turn it around, turn lives around – cause jailing is failing.


20 years on – my life is no better, so much money spent to keep me in fetters,

I needed a chance to break the cycle of prison - find a job, be proud and escape derision.


I knew it then and I know it now —that jailing is failing.

We need to turn things around, turn lives around,

Turn it around, turn lives around – cause jailing is failing.


So many behind those prison walls, share life’s journey with me,

For they too have lost right out, in life’s lottery!

We are people too, change this situation,

Let’s invest in people - not ‘Incarceration Nation’.


I knew it then and I know it now —that jailing is failing.

We need to turn things around, turn lives around,

Turn it around, turn lives around – cause jailing is failing

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Jenna Beck Jenna Beck

In support of the Keeping Women out of Prison organisation

Ironically, in some ways, the earlier colonial Governors had a more enlightened approach to turning around the lives of those who had been incarcerated than has existed at various recent times in our past State and Territory Governments. I say this because several Governors including Macquarie (as you know the Governor after whom the street, we are in was named) put in place positive policies directed to emancipated convicts and giving them an opportunity to rebuild their lives. Sadly, this has not always been the case in the state of NSW.

Speech delivered by Robert Tickner, Chair of the Justice Reform Initiative, at the NSW Parliament House Parliamentary Breakfast 16th March 2022 at an event supported by a cross party group of parliamentarians from the NSW parliament.

Thank you so very much for the honour to speak at this important event on the work of the Keeping Women Out of Prison campaign which enjoys such strong cross-party support here at the NSW Parliament House this morning.

I begin by acknowledging the Gadigal people as the traditional owners of the land on which we meet this morning and I acknowledge other Aboriginal people who are here today and who have so long campaigned against the over-representation of their people in the prisons of this country.

I hope that the non-Aboriginal people here join with me in noting that we must do much more than acknowledge the traditional owners as important as that is. We must also recommit ourselves do more to support the aspirations of Aboriginal people which is fundamental if we are ever to have a just reconciliation in this country.

As we gather here today, we are not much more than a few hundred metres from the place where the incarceration began in this country with the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788. My forebear John Cross was a part of that day down the hill when he arrived as a convict transported from England on the ship Alexander. Ironically, in some ways, the earlier colonial Governors had a more enlightened approach to turning around the lives of those who had been incarcerated than has existed at various recent times in our past State and Territory Governments. I say this because several Governors including Macquarie (as you know the Governor after whom the street, we are in was named) put in place positive policies directed to emancipated convicts and giving them an opportunity to rebuild their lives. Sadly, this has not always been the case in the state of NSW.

As things have developed both in NSW and in the wider Australia, just prior to the outbreak of the COVID virus we reached the high point of incarceration numbers in this state and around most of the rest of the country. Although the numbers have dropped off slightly, they will surely come back unless we can turn around the current policies of Governments.

It needs to be said at the outset that my words are not intended to be an attack on the current NSW Government or for that matter the current NSW Opposition. We need to acknowledge however that both sides of politics in this state and indeed around Australia have, over recent decades, often engaged in a so called “law and order auctions” which has not made our communities safer, while creating high recidivism rates and which come at great cost to the public who have to pay for all this.

For women in particular, the statistics are staggering, as my colleague Dr Mindy Sotiri the Executive Director of the Justice Reform Initiative has reported:

- Over the last decade the incarceration rate for women has been among the fastest growing areas of jailing and particularly for Aboriginal women. This is overwhelmingly because prison is used as a first resort, partly because alternatives in the form of social support simply do not exist or those few which do receive funding, survive on the smell of a proverbial oily rag and only often operate in limited parts of the state.

It is any wonder then that our state produces this outcome for women incarcerated in NSW (and around Australia):

- At least 70% of women in prison have survived some form of gendered violence.

- 77% have a diagnosed mental health condition.

- 23% have some form of disability.

- 77% have drug and alcohol issues related to their offending.

- One third are homeless on release.

- Of particular concern is that over 60% of women in prison have children who are under the age of 18. The statistics on the consequences of this do not lie and the consequent intergenerational impact of their incarceration is documented beyond doubt. The damaging impact on families and especially children is yet another reason why jailing is failing.

However the punishment does not stop at the prison gate as they leave!

- As the Keeping Women Out of Prison campaign has reported many support services (including mainstream domestic violence, homeless, and drug and alcohol services) do not work with women who have experienced incarceration.

- Finally, women who require support on release from custody are frequently excluded explicitly by policies prohibiting referrals straight from prison or policies prohibiting women with criminal histories or histories of violence. In relation to the size of Australia’s prison population generally, there has been a 38% increase over the last decade alone and the highest growth has been in the Aboriginal incarceration rate. This is even though the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, thirty years ago, included as one of its central recommendations that incarceration be a last resort. As the Minister responsible for the national co-ordination of the Royal Commission response I am proud of the fact that we secured Commonwealth support for 338 of the 339 recommendations, the endorsement of the recommendations by every single state and territory Government and with the support of both sides of politics in every jurisdiction.

Despite this high-water mark and the express commitments to implementation, Governments have not honoured those commitments either to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities or to the wider Australian community.

Despite the fact that every jurisdiction has legislated over time for imprisonment to be the last resort, this principle has been obliterated by legislation: ripping away judicial discretion; imposing mandatory sentencing in a multiplicity of forms; legislating to erode bail legislation; and through the so-called law and order auctions I have already referred to. Contributing even more to the incarceration numbers is the failure to invest in alternatives to incarceration which would divert many people from the criminal justice system into proven programs which can turn lives around and address the underlying issues I will speak about in a moment.

The financial cost of all this is something which our governments must now be accountable for. As a nation we spend in excess of 4 billion dollars per annum on the recurrent annual expenditure costs of prisons. In NSW the annual cost per person in prison is $80,000 per annum ($218 per person per day) but averaging out closer to $100,000 per person in other jurisdictions. Capital costs for new prisons in NSW are $3.8 billion dollars for the period 2015-2022 and of course there are comparable costs in the other Australian states as the Queensland Productivity Commission recently independently reported in respect of that state. Despite all these jails, the average recidivism rate is 50% or more in some jurisdictions.

In the case of youth and child detention centres, the costs are massively proportionately higher with each child in detention in Australia costing in the order of $1547 PER DAY in some jurisdictions. As the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has reported some 70% of these children will be back in juvenile detention or adult prison within two years. Isn’t it time we started to redirect this funding into evidence-based programs and intensive support for these kids which will turn young lives around.

When we benchmark ourselves as a nation to comparable countries we are significantly lagging behind them with an incarceration rate which is higher than all the countries of Western Europe and Canada. The Australian Productivity Commission recently reported that only two countries in the world had a higher growth in their incarceration rate than Australia in the years 2013 to 2018 and they were Columbia and Turkey. Even the United States of America did not beat us in our race to become one of the globally leading incarceration nations.

So how did we get in this diabolical position of jailing more and more people in more and more prisons at such enormous financial cost to the community in institutions which failed to turn lives around?

I think the answer is-- that both sides of politics forming government in Australia in every state and territory and nationally have copied the approach adopted by the United States of America which has until now incarcerated a higher proportion of its population than any country on earth. Both Republicans and Democrats fought law and order auctions in the USA over recent decades and their counterparts in Australia followed their lead at great cost to our country and its people.

However, you need to know that, even though Australia has not yet shifted its prison growth trajectory, in the United States, Republicans and Democrats are increasingly working together in a shared commitment to cut the prison population and to hold legislators and governments accountable for wasteful prison expenditure. I do not pretend that the USA does not have a long way to go to reduce its prison population given the global records it has set in incarceration. It is however undeniable that there has been a seismic shift in attitudes and policy.

In numerous places it is the Republican led states which have taken leadership in states like Texas, Louisiana, and many others. In the second Presidential Debate last year between Mr Biden and Mr Trump both of them were trying to outdo each other in championing their own respective credentials as justice reformers. You can find this debate on the internet and if you fast forward 1 hour 31 minutes into the video you will see Mr Biden and Mr Trump blaming the other for the excessively high rate of incarceration in the USA and then each claiming the high moral ground as leaders who had significantly cut the incarnation numbers.

Mr Trump himself hosted a major event at the White House in 2019 in which he urged the employers of America to give people coming out of prison a second chance. I hope I am not doing anyone a disservice, however, so far as I can ever recall I do not think that there has been an Australian Premier or Chief Minister of any political party in any jurisdiction in Australia which has ever encouraged Australian employers to do this.

As someone who is no longer a member of any political party and who has not been in one since 1996, I remain however a keen student of the political processes and I have welcomed these developments on both the Republican and Democrat sides of US politics.

In preparing for this speech, I went searching for the quote from Winston Churchill the legendary leader of the UK Conservative Party and the war time leader of Britain we all know so well. I had remembered that he had adopted an evidence-based approach to prisons and the criminal justice system in Britain beginning over 111 years ago when he was a young MP. I was astounded but pleased to find these quotations on the website of the very conservative Charles Koch Foundation in the United States. The most well-known quote is there, quoting Churchill as believing that “The mood and temper of the public in regard to the treatment of crime and criminals is one of the most unfailing tests of any civilisation of any country.”

However, if you believe that Churchill only had an agenda of ameliorating the worst aspects of incarceration you should read what he had to say to the House of Commons at the start of his term as Home Secretary in February 1910. He said he was “glad to be able to announce it to the House of Commons the first real principle which should guide anyone trying to establish a good system of prisons should be to prevent as many people as possible getting in there at all.”

I embrace this principle and believe that 111 years ago Winston Churchill recognised that jailing is failing.

You can do another simple internet search to find another amazing example of how things are shifting in the USA in public attitudes towards incarceration. I am sure there will be setbacks in the movement from time to time given US history and current hyper partisan challenges, however I do believe that the movement for reform will not be stopped as the evidence is overwhelming. If you just search for the words “Law Enforcement Leaders” you will find the public website of the US group called “Law Enforcement Leaders to Reduce Crime and Punishment”. This group includes nearly 200 current and former police chiefs, federal and state police prosecutors, attorneys general, and correctional officials from all 50 states. In case you think it is a gathering of rural sheriffs or minor officials, let me assure you that we are talking about really senior people including current or previous police chiefs from cities like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles and other major American cities throughout the length and breadth of America.

These leading law enforcement officers from both Republican and Democratic parties have signed up to a statement of goals. They make clear on their website that “the goals of reducing crime and reducing incarceration are not only compatible but are also mutually necessary. Through decades of our experience, we believe unnecessary incarceration is counter-productive, as it can create more crime, waste taxpayer dollars, and further divide law enforcement from the communities we seek to protect. We aim to build a smarter and stronger criminal justice system by replacing ineffective policies with new, modern practices that reduce both crime and incarceration”.

Before I turn to the question of what we can do to turn things around in our country I want to conclude this opening part of my speech with two extraordinary statistics.

The first is that, factoring in the remand population, 70% of people in NSW prisons have been there before and in women’s prisons the figure is an extraordinary 87%. If we had this failure rate in our schools, we would have a Royal Commission in every state and nationally and we would be closing down the current model of schooling and looking for evidence-based alternatives which ensured that children left the education system having obtained a sound education to prepare them for life. We need to apply no lesser standard of rigorous accountability to the billions we spend on prisons year in and year out, right across this country.

To change our country for the better one of the first things we need to do as people working for change, is to build a unity of purpose and a grass roots campaign that so far, we have been lacking. I think this is undeniable despite all the wonderful people and organisations on whose shoulders we all stand.

The Justice Reform Initiative has been formed because, until now, Aboriginal people and organisations have been doing all the heavy lifting when it comes to prison and criminal justice reform despite the fact that many of the reforms being advocated will benefit the non-Aboriginal population as well. Until now, there have been many community leaders and interest groups which have not come out as criminal justice reformers. It is also the case that, until now, we have not seen many or any shoots of cross-party commitment to justice reform which I believe is essential if we are going to be successful in educating the public and shifting public policy in this area. Neither side of politics comes to this debate with historical clean hands but in states like NSW we have new leaders. We have a new Premier and a new Opposition leader who can draw a line under the past and with the support of other people and parties in the parliament of goodwill we can start to turn things around.

The Justice Reform Initiative is a national organisation with Patrons in Chief being the former esteemed Governors General Sir William Deane and Dame Quentin Bryce and over 110 other respected patrons in every state and territory and nationally.

We come to this debate and campaign with a commitment to work and collaborate with all the many people and organisations who have been working in this space for decades as many of us in the Justice Reform Initiative have. Our central objective is to shift the public conversation and public policy in this country away from building more and more prisons as the primary response of the criminal justice system for many offenders and to shift to proven alternative evidence-based approaches which break the cycle of incarceration.

There are so many examples, in Australia and globally, of evidence-based alternatives for many offenders which will help turn lives around and also make our communities safer. We are crucially aware, as you are, that the underlying issues which so often give rise to contact with the criminal justice system must be addressed including housing, mental health issues, disability, employment, education and drug and alcohol dependencies among others.

In all our work, we will continue to strive for cross-party co-operation on these issues and to ask all our parliamentarians to pledge to work for evidence-based policy in criminal justice reform. That is why I am so pleased to see such strong cross-party representation at this morning’s breakfast and so many of you from both sides of politics and I am also delighted to see David Shoebridge MLC here representing the Greens.

We look forward to meeting representatives from other political parties and from the ranks of Independents as we move forward with our work. Cross-party support for our work also sends a powerful message to the wider community as political parties and others in the parliament are not empty vessels who simply respond to public opinion but at times lead it in matters of principle and good government.

At least that is my experience in public life, and I passionately believe that there are, as my late dear friend Tom Uren used to remind me, “men and women of goodwill” are everywhere and our task as reformers is to help bring them together to find common cause on this issue-- as I hope we are already doing.

When we talk about evidence-based alternatives it is important to give examples. The first example of outstandingly successful programs is those run by the Backtrack organisation in Armidale which survives on philanthropic funding. The organisation has been featured in the book written by the founder of Backtrack Bernie Shakeshaft and also featured in a publicly available documentary which you can find online. The Backtrack program, which some of you may be aware of, relies in part, on engaging and bonding the young kids in the program with dogs who become such a huge presence in the lives of the kids teaching them so many things including responsibility, loyalty, skills and a growing belief in themselves and their capacities.

Most, if all the kids in the program have had a difficult life for people so young but if you watch the documentary, unless you have a heart of stone you will be moved to tears as these young people get the solidarity, mentoring and training from the leadership group in Backtrack. This support diverts them from the otherwise inevitable ongoing contact with the criminal justice system which young and homeless people often find themselves in and which is a pathway to adult prisons. The program provides a bridge from a school system which has failed them to the adult world. The objective is to take them to a place of development that they have a capacity to get a job and take their rightful place in the world. I am sure that others could describe the program in much greater detail, but you get the picture. Instead of juvenile justice institutions which cost over half a million for each child held there these kids are living in a supportive environment where they are able to turn their lives around. They are inspirational to me.

Turning to the separate question of potential diversionary sentences for adults who would otherwise end up in the adult prison system, it makes more sense to instead for magistrates and judges to divert them to available programs which will address the underlying issues which got them into trouble in the first place. Otherwise, such people often get sentenced to short term sentences, receive no treatment or support for their underlying conditions while in prison and then get released and are often homeless still without treatment or support and then find themselves in the revolving door of incarceration and back in prison within a short period of time.

Sadly, for most people the services and support necessary is not available or not to the extent necessary and, where they do exist, they are poorly funded and often not available in country areas. Our previous state Governments over previous decades have, too often, been focussed on “funding sentences not services” which are so critical to addressing mental health challenges, substance dependency, homelessness, health, education, employment, and other key determinants of life outcomes.

I am sure you all know that there are so many wonderful people and organisations already providing services in these areas however there is also a need for other organisations to enter this space and particularly Aboriginal community-based organisations to provide services to their people in line with the Closing the Gap Strategy supported by both sides of politics. The fact is that, in this state, there is a need for a very substantive investment in Aboriginal and other NGOs who can deliver community-based programs to turn lives around and cut the 50% recidivism level which exists around the country.

For people leaving prison, the evidence demonstrates conclusively that intensive support programs for people leaving prison like those developed and delivered by the NSW based Community Restorative Centre (CRC) can dramatically reduce the recidivism rate. In a landmark evaluation supported by the University of NSW it has been shown that the intensive support programs and related services directed towards addressing the underlining issues I have already spoken about, has been proven to bring about a 65% reduction in the rate of repeat offending. Currently programs of this kind are only delivered by NGOs to only between 5% and 10% of the 20,000 people who are leaving NSW prisons every year. It makes sense to invest significantly more in these programs which will significantly cut the prison population by cutting the reoffending rate and still deliver significant budget savings after factoring in the additional cost of service provision. The mathematics do not lie on this, and it is a perfect example of evidence-based policy which will also self-evidently results in crime reduction and creating safer communities.

It is important that I emphasise that, adopting these ideas and policies, is the very opposite of being soft on crime. It is about being smart on crime and smart about investing in addressing the key underlying issues or the causes of crime which resulted in contact with the criminal justice system in the first place. It is also an approach which will bring about a better deal for victims of crime and that is why Ken Marslew, who many of you will know, and who has been such a long-standing advocate for victims of crimes is one of our patrons. Victims of crime and their families often struggle with the inadequacies of the present system and many welcome the increasing appeal of restorative justice approaches which focus more on the impact of the crime on the victim or their families.

Let me say a little bit about how the Justice Reform Initiative will work to advance these goals.

We come to this space without ego, and we are not headline hunters but rather focussed on results. We believe that the responsible government in this state and nationally with cross-party support can reduce the prison population by 50% by 2030. Even if we do that, we will still have an incarceration rate which is way higher than many Western European Countries and still almost twice the level of Scandinavian counties who have some of the lowest crime rates in the world.

We commit ourselves to work collaboratively with others working in this sector including organisations like Keeping Women Out of Prison who we value as one of the most valued partners we stand beside. Those partners are growing around Australia, and we are proud of them all listed on our website: They include small local organisations in various parts of Australia as well as national organisations like the Australian Medical Association and the Law Council of Australia. We seek to collaborate with them all and to build up campaigns of public education and public awareness about the need for prison and justice reform in local communities right around Australia.

While recognising that the primary responsibility for reform lies at the feet of State and Territory Governments, we also believe that the Australian Government has an important role to play, operating in a cross-party way but also supporting the national movement for reform by its shared leadership role and by funding programs and initiatives where existing funding sources are inadequate. We need to see this failing of jailing as a national issue which is costing all Australians and all our governments many billions each year by way of lost human opportunity as well as the cost of actually operating the current massive prison systems which the Australian Productivity Commission has so decisively costed and chronicled.

May I conclude by encouraging each and every one of you, and all those who later read this speech, to get behind the Justice Reform Initiative and the Jailing is Failing campaign.

Please visit our website, check out our patrons and sign up your support for our work. There will be many volunteering opportunities opening up in this grass roots movement, so we encourage you to volunteer your time and resources to turn this issue around in the interests of all Australians.

Perhaps this place, and all those who work and serve here in the NSW Parliament, at the top of the hill where the incarceration nation began with the arrival of the First Fleet, can show the rest of Australia the way of reform and do it as men and women of goodwill coming together in support of the evidence based criminal justice policy which we advocate.

Robert Tickner

Chair of the Justice Reform Initiative

Jailing is Failing Campaign

16th March 2022

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